Despite the threat of showers, a large group of Grayshott Gardeners took up the offer of a guided tour around Wisley Garden, no doubt primed by Director General Sue Biggs’ lecture back in March.
We were given a brief reminder of the origins and history of Wisley, with a view of the picturesque offices and lab building (as well as the as yet unfinished Welcome construction), after which our guide led us round the different parts of the garden, pointing out special trees and plants. An explanation of the different labels was especially helpful: a Champion plant or tree e.g. signifies the best specimen in the country. The tour led us along the Jellicoe Canal to the Rock Garden, the Rose Garden, the Bonsai Walk, and a series of inspirational Model Gardens. At the end of the tour there were still many unexplored parts of Wisley left; a number of members took advantage of the well-judged timing of the visit to look around the remaining parts of the garden, including the glasshouses, in the afternoon.